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Traditions of Ukrainian ceremony

In addition to the standard wedding ceremony at the registration company, it is customary to have a few classic occasions if you are planning a Ukrainian marriage. These include the otsitki, where the partners is presented with water and a round whitened breads loaf. A piece of wheat is supposed to be broken off, dipped in salt, and eaten by the partners. The more the wheat is broken, the better, because it represents a lengthy, happy marriage. They are therefore supposed to crush the rest. The newlyweds also receive a blanket that they must step on as they exit the meeting auditorium. This is intended to be the first step into their upcoming house.

The newlyweds are adorned in rushnyk, an embroidered cloth worn by the family’s ( starosty ). A short while before the official festival, this occurs. If the parents are feeling dramatic, they might also attempt to deceive the Bride into paying a fine mail order brides from slavic countries by bringing out an impersonator.

On the day of the bridal( Saturday or sunday ), the property would become prepared. Flowers and food were picked, food was prepared, and cooking began, typically making korovai, a special ritual bread made of dough and decorated with birds, plants, and animals. It was usually made by women who were regarded as having sure traits, including that they were no widows, that they had happy youngsters, and that they were wealthy.

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